Thursday, July 10, 2008

Kids at the zoo

Here are a few of my girls at the zoo, I have more of the animals but I did the ones with my kids first:)

From the butterfly exhibit, I just love this for some reason.

Here is a hummingbird..yay...I had a hard time getting one of the little buggers in focus. My camera just ate that wire mesh, so cool. I believe this was shot wide open @ 1.4.

Lauryn holding one of the budgies so that it can eat her little treat thing she had. She was so proud and ended up with like 4 different birds.

By the waterfall by the gorillas.

Ava being....Ava:)) She was pointing but purposely not looking...little miss attitude I tell ya.

How she finished the zoo...on daddy's back. She promptly passed out after I took this.

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